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  • Oceania


Our team has proven expertise supporting clients on matters related to Australia, including M&A transactions, energy and natural resources and international trade.

Nishimura & Asahi has a wealth of experience advising on both inbound investments by Australian corporations and financial institutions, and outbound investments by Japanese corporations and financial institutions.

We are the largest law firm in Japan, the largest international law firm headquartered in Japan, and one of the oldest law firms in Japan. We provide a full range of legal services in all areas of business law for cross-border commercial activities, including those in and involving Australia. We frequently act as international counsel on Japan-Australia related matters, including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, other commercial transactions and major projects, civil litigation and international trade.

Our experienced team includes Australia-qualified lawyers as well as lawyers with a wealth of experience in Australian business and practice. We regularly work in collaboration with Australian law firms and we are the sole Japan member of the elite Lex Mundi international law firm network.

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