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Mikiko Soga was interviewed for an article entitled “Japan’s Big Law Firms Are Nurturing Female Talent. But What If the Talent Pool Dries Up?,” which appeared in

Tokyo partner Mikiko Soga was interviewed for an article entitled “Japan’s Big Law Firms Are Nurturing Female Talent. But What If the Talent Pool Dries Up?,” which appeared in on May 14, 2024.


曽我 美紀子

Mikiko has extensive expertise in project finance for various power projects and other infrastructure projects, including PPP/PFI projects. She has advised on award-winning projects, including the Tokyo International (Haneda) Airport expansion project, awarded “Asia Pacific Airports” at IJGlobal 2017, and the Osaka and New Kansai International Airports privatization project, awarded “Asia Pacific Airports” at IJGlobal 2016. Mikiko also has advised on numerous renewable energy projects in Japan since the early 2000s, and has served as an expert member of several government committees established by the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Ministry of the Environment, and Agency for Natural Resources with respect to the electricity market in Japan. Mikiko was commended as an “Innovative Practitioner” at the FT Innovative Lawyers Asia-Pacific Awards 2022 for her sustainability efforts, including in relation to diversity and inclusion, pro bono, and renewable energy.