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    Pro Bono Advice on the Establishment of B Market Builder Japan

Nishimura & Asahi provided pro bono legal advice on the establishment of B Market Builder Japan, the official partner in Japan of B Lab Global, a global nonprofit network transforming the economic system to become more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative.

The Nishimura & Asahi team advising B Market Builder Japan was led by partner Akihisa Yamamoto, supported by Kentaro Ohno, Takahisa Watanabe and Rutsu Matsunaga.


山本 晃久

Akihisa is a partner in our M&A team. He handles many domestic and international M&As, business alliances including JVs, business succession, equity finance, and hostile takeovers. He has abundant practical experience for both listed and unlisted companies and wide range of company sizes and transaction types, knowledge of cutting-edge practical trends and laws and regulations, and the ability to respond flexibly and hands-on.
In addition, he active in start-up finance support, IPO support, and daily legal support.
Recently, using the network and knowledge cultivated through studying abroad in Europe and the United States, he also deals with sustainability-related topics such as sustainable finance, including ESG investment and impact investment, social enterprise, B Corp certification, and social IPO.

大野 憲太郎

Kentaro provides non-profit corporations such as general incorporated associations (Ippan Shadan Hojin), general incorporated foundations (Ippan Zaidan Hojin), public interest incorporated associations (Koeki Shadan Hojin), public interest incorporated foundations (Koeki Zaidan Hojin), corporations engaging in specified non-profit activities (NPO Hojin), incorporated educational institutions (Gakko Hojin), social welfare corporations (Shakai Fukushi Hojin) and medical corporations (Iryo Hojin) with advice on building governance systems and establishing compliance systems to ensure that they comply with the laws and regulations and to operate in accordance with the guidance of regulatory agencies.